What is the difference between Robert Bales, the U.S. Army Staff Sergeant whose shooting spree killed seventeen Afghan civilians including nine children, and Algerian-French self-proclaimed jihadist Mohamed Merah, who shot in cold blood three Muslim soldiers, three Jewish schoolchildren and a trainee Rabbi?
When the psychopath is on “our” side, he is an isolated and rare exception; when he belongs to the enemy, he is evidence of the inhumanity of his tribe. But we must resist that simplistic analysis because it is false. In reality, both are manifestations of the evil depths to which human beings, whatever their race or religion, can descend: murdering our most innocent.
Trying to learn the lessons of what went wrong is not to excuse or defend the actions of these killers. Rather, just as a medical scientist studies a cancer in order to invent medicines to cure and prevent, social scientists seek to understand the conditions that contribute to the explosions of violence that Bales and Merah represent, in order to predict and hopefully prevent those conditions from emerging again. For as George Santayana wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
Was Merah evidence of a problem with militant jihadism in France? Or was he a madman who cracked? Was he more Anders Behring Breivik than Osama bin Laden? We will never be able to probe the depths of his psychopathology, given his grisly end. For those of us who believe we are held accountable for our deeds when we pass from this world, I can only hope that little Myriam Monsonego and her fellow victims receive the full measure of justice meted out to Merah by the One who is known in Islam as Al-Muntaqim: the Great Avenger.
But there are lessons we can learn from the route that Merah’s violence took. He didn’t turn to the rhetoric of the neo-Nazi, or get involved in drug cartel gang violence. Had he been an American Christian in Afghanistan he might have chosen to vent his rage on innocent Afghans. But, he chose the radicalisation that was most immediate and salient to him: the narrative of jihadism. So we must ask, why is that narrative available to blighted souls like Merah? And what can we do to limit its appeal?
What social scientists who study those living on the margins have found is this:
“When disadvantaged group members perceive themselves as being rejected in a variety of situations because of discrimination on the part of the dominant group, they feel both more hostility toward that outgroup, and they increasingly identify with their minority group.”
French sociologist Olivier Roy, who has written extensively on political Islam in the West, argues that there exists a group of European-born Muslims who lack both a connection to the cultural heritage of their immigrant parents and a sense of belonging to the host countries in which they live because of the stigma of being Muslim. They thus live in a liminal world, seeking an identity beyond the national in the mythologised notion of the global ummah.
The vast majority of this group will not become murderous monsters. It takes more than social stigma and marginalisation to produce a Merah, just as it takes more than constant exposure to neo-conservative Islamophobia to produce a Breivik. But by actively fostering anti-Islam and anti-Muslim prejudice in political rhetoric, France unfortunately has journeyed down the path of making the rise of a Merah from amongst a widening group of disenfranchised youth more likely.
Jihadism exists because there is a market for it. The economics-inspired argument of Iannaccone and Berman is that the religious violence of extremist groups is a rational choice taken to enhance their possibilities. The appeal of joining groups like al-Qa’ida for someone like Merah, is the maladapted “affirming” identity jihadism sells in easy competition against the French State that has continued to refuse to offer Frenchness to its Muslim immigrants without impossible restrictions – namely, the complete abandonment of their cultural and religious heritage. This is what largely differentiates France from Australia, where we have an official commitment to multiculturalism.
Jihadism is not an inevitable product of Islam, however. It requires ignorance of fundamental Islamic ethics – such as the sanctity of innocent life and the strictures of Islamic just-war theory. In 2007, the Washington Post invited nearly sixty Muslim male and female leaders from around the world to answer a number of questions including on jihad, violence and the use of suicide bombing. Responses were returned from about a third of the leaders and posted on the website.
There was a remarkable strength of themes that emerged in their responses that rejected the violence and hatred of jihadism. For example, Dr Muzammil Siddiqi, chairman of North American Fiqh Council, wrote:
“There is no place in Islamic teachings for war or violence against any person, group or state simply because of the difference of race, color, language, nationality or religion. Islam does not allow any coercion in order to convert others to its faith.”
Grand Mufti of Egypt, Dr Ali Gomaa wrote:
“Islam forbids aggression against others. Attacking civilians, women, children, and the elderly by blowing oneself up is absolutely forbidden in Islam. No excuse can be made for the crimes committed in New York, Spain, and London, and anyone who tries to make excuses for these acts is ignorant of Islamic law (shari’ah), and their excuses are a result of extremism and ignorance.”
The leaders surveyed by the Washington Post represent what can be called modern mainstream Islam. The question then becomes, how does the ideology of jihadism take root amongst Muslims, given the widespread denunciation of such violence amongst the mainstream?
It can only take place where there is religious illiteracy. By demonising and marginalising both Islam and Muslims, France has done itself a great disservice, as Tariq Ramadan rightly argues.